
Sponsor an Initiative
Food Support Program - $1,000
Support three communities with fresh produce for 3 months!
This funds an 8-hour U-Haul rental and food bank cost
Adult Education - $500
Promotes literacy in adults
Supports one community with on-site classes, once a week for six weeks
Led by certified literacy tutors
ESOL Classes - $500
Supports one community with on-site classes, twice a week for six weeks
A large portion of the communities we serve speak Spanish, Creole, Portuguese, or Patois. ESOL classes teach residents how to speak, read, and write the English language!
Led by professionals that are skilled and certified in teaching the English language
Community Support Event - $400
Provides funds for food, supplies, and other materials
Supports one community with events like a holiday party, back to school event, health fair, etc.
After School Care Program - $300
Provides funds for food, supplies, and other materials
Supports one community with events like a holiday party, back to school event, health fair, and more!
Public Transportation Support - $50
Promotes literacy in adults
Supports one community with on-site classes, once a week for six weeks
Led by certified literacy tutors
Economic Empowerment - $150
Supports 3+ communities with online classes and materials that are led by professionals
Provides materials for a 3-part series of classes, once a quarter, including: Budgeting Basics, Repairing Credit, and Becoming a Homeowner
Diamond Sponsor: $10,000
Speaking and other participation opportunities
Announcement recognition during event
Recognition event communications and The Tree House Foundation website
Recognition on The Tree House Foundation Facebook, Instagram and other social media
Platinum Sponsor: $5,000
Announcement recognition during event
Recognition in event communications and The Tree House Foundation website
Recognition on The Tree House Foundation Facebook, Instagram and other social media
Gold Sponsor: $2,500
Recognition in event communications and The Tree House Foundation website
Recognition on The Tree House Foundation Facebook, Instagram and other social media
Silver Sponsor: $1,500
Recognition in event communications and The Tree House Foundation website
Recognition on The Tree House Foundation Facebook, Instagram and other social media
Bronze Sponsor: $1,000
Recognition in event communications and The Tree House Foundation website
Recognition on The Tree House Foundation Facebook, Instagram and other social media
Friend: $500
Recognition in event communications and The Tree House Foundation website
Recognition on The Tree House Foundation Facebook, Instagram and other social media